Information Line: (706) 454-0111

1000 Cowles Clinic Way
Greensboro, GA 30642


3D Diagnostic and Screening Mammography

1000 Cowles Clinic Way
Pine Cottage
Greensboro, GA 30642
PH: (706) 454-2660

Senographe Pristina 3-D Mammography System with Sensory Suite.

Only facility that offers 3D Diagnostic Mammography in any of the surrounding counties!

Patient needs a screening mammogram order from referring physician.

  • FDA approved imaging superior to 2D
  • More accurate than digital mammograms for women with both dense or non-dense breasts
  • Detects breast cancer 15 months earlier
  • Detects 40% more invasive cancers than 2-D systems

Please bring any prior mammograms or breast ultrasound images and reports with you to your exam or print out the Mammography Patient History Form
