Information Line: (706) 454-0111

1000 Cowles Clinic Way
Greensboro, GA 30642


Meet Our Staff

1000 Cowles Clinic Way
Pine Cottage
Greensboro, GA 30642
PH: (706) 454-2660

Sabrina Bennett

Sabrina Bennett, BSRS, RDMS, RVT

Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer and Vascular Technologist

  • Undergraduate: Armstrong Atlantic State University and Young Harris College
  • Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences Specializing in Sonography and Associate of Science
  • Specialties: Abdomen, Breast, OB/GYN, and Vascular Sonography
Staci Lowder

Staci Lowder, RT (R) (M) (BS)

Registered Mammographer, Breast Sonographer and X-ray Technologist

  • Undergraduate: Emory University and Touro University
  • Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management and Associate of Science in Radiology
  • Specialties: Mammography, Breast Sonography, Bone Densitometry, and X-Ray
Marie Smallwood

Marie Smallwood, RT(R)(CT)

CT and X-ray Technologist

  • Undergraduate: Ogeechee Technical College
  • Specialties: X-Ray, CT, and Nuclear Medicine